The selling point of stylish action's combat is its variety. Three elements are the backbone of this genre: Since its mechanics give players a relatively large amount of freedom over how their battles go, the genre is basically the Wide-Open Sandbox of action games. Unlike most action games, stylish action is just a particular way of engaging players in combat, so it's crossed over with a few established genres including Beat 'em Up, Hack and Slash, and Third-Person Shooter. In short, the style is because you, the player, are earning stylish combat through developing your skills, not just the character through what they're programmed to do. Its main point is to use a deep set of mechanics to be stylish, rather than the style coming from the animations themselves. Stylish Action is a sub-genre of action video games that involves unrealistic combat and the fun that comes from learning how to create it. Rosa from Bayonetta 2, spoken only when the player achieves a Pure Platinum combat gradeįor some action heroes, it's not enough to just save the world they've gotta look good doin' it.